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Pre-White House reading, NYC, spring 2013

Top row L to R: James Higgins, Iris Burnett, Ned Eisenberg, Jordan Kai Burnett, Sara Dobrinich, Max Bisantz, Ben Martin, Emily Maltby, Nathan Sheffield, Louise Sorel, Justyn Wade

Bottom row L to R: Matty Selman, Nancy Slusser, Rebecca Odorisio, Dayna Graber, Jacob Atom Reilly

Come celebrate the power of family.


Where are they now, all of our funny, eccentric over-the-top aunts and uncles and other relatives with their coiffured hairdos, rouge and cigars, who, in our youth, regaled us with amazing stories and tall tales about things that happened before we were born? They are all here, in Gefilte Fish Chronicles, A Musical.


The last of the colorful Dubroff sisters, Goldie, has just passed away and her granddaughter, an aspiring actress, leaves for Hollywood instead of staying home and having the traditional family Passover (songs, stories, prayers and massive amounts of food), with her mother. When the family photographer magically appears after being gone for 50 years, the stage begins to sparkle with a musical that is enchanting, heartwarming and uproariously funny.

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